Over 200
organizations served

Approaching $1,000,000,000
in client growth

Over 50 projects
managed per week
Manufacturing and Industrial
Marketing director for company marketing strategy and communications. Collaborate with sales to design distribution strategy for revenue generation including customer targeted profiling, CRM design, sales goal setting, various online, trade and print customer communications. Also executed leadership development assessments for management team and Creative Team product development stage gate process. (2013-Present)
Assisted ownership with strategic planning and leadership development process to determine growth and succession planning strategies for the future of this legacy business. The projects resulted in the owner positioning the business for acquisition to a competitor in favorable marketing conditions. (2012-2014)
Assisted new ownership with leadership assessment, recruiting, sales analysis, product line assessment for potential customers and markets within the US, and assessment of marketing strategies to gain market share with existing or future products. Recommended organization structure and roles needed to support the potential strategic growth opportunities. Completed marketing plan and execution for enhanced marketing communications. (2013-2014)
Developed new corporate branding and marketing strategies with vendor relationships proposals to expand automotive aftermarket business of new ( versus remanufactured) water pumps to US retail distribution. Develop HRIS systems, management training and HR policies during period of high growth to a 200,000 sq. ft. facility. (2001-2003)
Completed focus groups, branding plans, trade show plans, and marketing and distribution communications to grow the organization from one to 13 product lines and $30MM to $120MM revenue within four years. Company then sold to THOR Industries. (2004-2008)
Worked with the owner of the business with leadership development assessments utilizing Insight’s Passion Workbook process, along with strategic planning and marketing and sales planning services. The organization was restructured to align team members with strengths. We implemented new marketing communications, CRM and targeted sales management practices. These efforts positioned to company for sale to a competitor as the owner selected this as the best option for his exit strategy. (2008-2009)
Commercial, Hospitality and Professional Services
Implemented a series of strategic planning and branding platforms for all start-up resort destinations including vineyard now with nearly 20 labels, villas, conference facility, three restaurants, wedding pavilion, culinary school, marketplace, distillery and hotel. (2009-Present)
Completed corporate branding and marketing communications for this top staffing agency in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan, employing over 8,000 associates.
SSS also utilizes our BLOOM feedback and development system for their corporate staff and onsite staffing clients for tracking performance dialogs, training and development goals. (2013-Present)
Develop strategic growth planning and talent management strategies with the executive team, including an intensive process mapping process to integrate departmental efforts and define roles for technology development and project tracking. (2014-2015)
Assisted the ownership team with leadership development and succession planning utilizing Insight’s Passion Workbook process and career goal-setting sessions with top management members. As a result, leadership used the findings to establish a timeline and goals for restructuring the leadership team for the next generation. (2014)
Initially developed strategic five-year growth plan for this life safety and security technology company more intentionally expanding their revenue base from healthcare to balance with growth in schools, commercial/industrial, and service contract and maintenance segments. Later we assisted with developing a sales team for each of the segments and integrated marketing communications to represent the team and services before and after the pandemic.
Community Leadership and Development
Working with the Mayor of Elkhart’s staff, developed the Elkhart 2040 plan framework as the City’s first economic planning initiative. The effort focuses on engaging all sectors of the City and its influencers to collaborate on prioritizing the next priority projects that will grow and measure success for the City of Elkhart. The initiative starts with engaging 70 community leaders to engage in three teams: Talent Optimization, Industry Diversification, and Land Use and Infrastructure. The goal is to diversify the industries driving Elkhart’s economy and assure that workforce readiness and intentional land developments are supporting progressive growth - including the promotion of Elkhart’s three Opportunity Zones. (2018-Present)
Project Lead commissioned by the City of Elkhart to lead the design process, professional services team, research, redevelopment plan, budget, and communications for $30MM of public investment that will generate over $250MM in private redevelopment investment in the Elkhart River District as an extension of the downtown. (2016-Present)
Administrator, contracted by initially the YMCA/The Center board of directors and later the Community Foundation of Elkhart County to lead strategic plan development, project design, fundraising, and communications for this $69.5MM facility that will be one of five of its kind in the country. The project entails a collaboration with the Community Foundation of Elkhart County, Beacon Health System, Elkhart Community Schools, The Regional Cities initiative, The City of Elkhart and the many members of the generous Elkhart philanthropic community. (2013-Present)
Contracted to complete City of Elkhart’s brand development, city-wide communications platform, first city economic development plan, and design and develop a public/private partnership for a youth innovation center. (2017-Present)
For Curtis Hill, Indiana Attorney General, 2017 Election - led campaign operations including branding, communications, fundraising, accounting and administrative functions for Indiana State Republican Convention and the General Election. Won 61.94% to 38.06% of the vote. (2016-2017)
Assisted fundraising team with the strategy and communications for $1.5MM capital campaign to restore the theatre 2019-2020. The organization worked to achieve the goal by June 2018 to receive a Regional Cities Initiative grant match. (2017-2018)
Completed public campaign marketing, communications, training and advisory services for petition process achieving nearly 50% of freeholder signatures with 15% required. Project expanded to formation of a regional sewer district with other surrounding lakes. (2017-2018)
Completed communications strategy including website, direct mail, brochure, and online marketing with videos for final two week campaign blitz. Results to be determined. (2018)
Completed strategic planning and project prioritization sessions with administrative department heads to determine the three-year vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategies for the county. Plan resulted in project rollouts and new staff hires and assignments to complete key projects. (2017-2018)
Team effort with Town Manager and Core Team to discover town branding. Facilitated six focus groups from all walks of life and commerce in the town to understand Middlebury's advantages and DNA uniqueness. Created branding and logo to distinguish them from their neighbors in northern Indiana. (2013)
Completed public focus groups and developed the city brand platform including public communications, wayfinding, and city gateways. (2015-2015)
Developed strategic plan with board of directors to include the expansion from a Family Room with three rooms to a House with 20 rooms at Memorial Hospital in South Bend. Facility opens February 2017. Facilitate planning, staff recruiting, performance management, marketing, fundraising and board development with CEO and board. (2012-Present)